Visitor Advice

Welcome to our visitor advice page! Here you will find important information about the various places listed on our website.

Opening times

Please be aware that each place has its own unique opening hours & visiting rules.

Some locations are only open for a few days of the year, others at weekends in the Summer only.

It is crucial to check the opening times in advance to ensure that you can make the most of your visit. We recommend visiting the linked resource to check the opening times to avoid disappointment or wasted travel time.

Accessibility limitations

We strive to provide accurate accessibility information to help all visitors have a pleasant experience. However, it is important to note that certain places may have limitations due to their historical significance or architectural constraints. These limitations can include steps, uneven surfaces, or limited wheelchair access. We encourage visitors with specific accessibility needs to contact the destination via the linked resources for more detailed information.

Furthermore, we understand that accessibility goes beyond physical limitations. If you have any specific concerns or requirements, such as audio descriptions, Braille signage, or sensory accommodations, please reach out to the place you intend to visit.

We hope that this information will help you plan your visit effectively and ensure a memorable experience. Please keep in mind that while we strive to keep the information up to date, it is always a good idea to verify the details closer to your visit date.