Sacramentum Militare


  • From around the reign of Severus Alexander (222-235 CE) it became an Oath sworn annually on the 3rd of January.
  • In Roman Law, the Oath of allegiance had a religious significance. To break this Oath, was to break the Law.
  • Therefore, the Punishment for disobedience was either Corporal Punishment or Execution.
  • Christian soldiers were faced with a dilemma, as Baptism was the only Sacrament they were permitted.

The Oath: according to Vegetius

Sacramentum Gladiatorum

  • The Gladiators also swore an Oath of Allegiance, the Sacramentum Gladiatorum, the ‘Oath of the Gladiator’:
  • ‘uri, vinciti, verberari, ferroque necari’ meaning, ‘I will abide to be burnt, bound, beaten and killed by the sword’.


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