Timeline of Roman Pandemics and Natural Disasters


During the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE)

Year Place Event
492 BCE Rome Famine in Rome.
294 BCE Rome The Great Plague: This led to the building of Temple of Asclepius in Rome (291 BCE) to heal the sick.
62 BCE Rome Leprosy arrived in Rome, after Pompey and his Legions returned from the East.

During the Roman Empire (27 BCE-399 CE)

62 CE Ostia A Great Storm: 200 ships sank in the Port of Ostia.
62 CE Pompeii Earthquake damaged Pompeii
64 CE Rome Great Fire of Rome
69 CE Rome Fire in Rome.
79 CE Vesuvius Eruption of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneum buried in volcanic ash.
80 CE Rome Fire in Rome.
141 CE Lycia Devastated by Earthquakes in 141 and 240 CE.
169-180 CE R. Empire Antonine Plague also known as the Plague of Galen.
249-262 CE R. Empire Plague of Cyprian
363 CE Galilee Galilee Earthquake 18-19 May
365 CE E. Med Crete Earthquake and Tsunami of 21 July 365 CE

End of Empire (400-551 CE)

410 CE Rome First Sack of Rome: by Alaric King of the Visigoths, for 3 days.
455 CE Rome Second Sack of Rome: by Geiseric King of the Vandals, for 14 days.
541 CE Europe Plague of Justinian: (541-549 CE) First occurrence of the Bubonic Plague affecting the Mediterranean, Europe, Middle East and Persia.
546 CE Rome Third Sack of Rome: by Totila King of the Ostrogoths, who depopulated Rome.
551 CE Beirut Beirut Earthquake and Tsunami (551 CE) caused c.30,000 deaths.

Recent Pandemics (1347 CE- to Today)

1347-51 CE Europe Black Death: Also known as the Plague or Pestilence, was the worst Pandemic in History where between 30-60 % of the affected populations died. It affected the Mediterranean, Europe, Middle East and Eurasia.
1918-1920 CE Worldwide Flu Pandemic: Incorrectly called Spanish ‘Flu, it appeared during WWI. The influenza was caused by the H1N1 virus and was the worst Pandemic since the Black Death. It was a global Pandemic which caused 17-50 million estimated deaths worldwide.
2020 CE Worldwide Covid 19: SARS-CoV-2, known as Covid 19, is a Global Covid Pandemic caused by the Sars CoV 2 virus. Dated from the 12th Jan 2020 CE. Millions have been affected and millions have died. It has resulted in a global mass vaccination campaign.


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