Roman Pensions

  • The Romans had two types of Pensions, the Annua for the civilian population and the Praemium for the legionary soldiers.


  • The Annua was similar to an Annuity Pension.
  • The Roman citizens made an annual payment to the civic authority.
  • In old age, the civic authority would then provide a lifetime pension or Annuity.


  • The Praemium was a Lump Sum introduced by Augustus, which was awarded to the legionary by the Aerarium Militare (Military Treasury) on retirement when he was discharged after 20 years service.
  • A Legionary received 12,000 sesterces, which was approximately thirteen times his annual salary. It was later doubled under Caracalla to 20,000 sesterces.
  • A legionary in the Praetorian Guard received 20,000 sesterces. This may also have been doubled under Caracalla but is not confirmed.


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