
  • Ricimer (457-472 CE) was a Romanised German who became Magister Militum (Military Commander ) of the Western Roman Empire..
  • Because he was a Barbarian, he could not be accepted as Roman Emperor, so he ruled through puppet Emperors instead.

The Puppet Emperors

  • Majorian (457-461 CE)
    • He was Ricimer’s fellow Commander who Ricimer appointed as Emperor. He is known as ‘The last Great Roman Hero’.
    • He regained control over Spain, most of Gaul, Sicily, Illyricum, but failed to invade Africa. However, he was eventually executed by Ricimer.
  • Severus III (461-465 CE)
    • He was appointed by Ricimer. He lost Illyricum to the Eastern Empire and Gaul to the Visigoths.
  • Anthemius (467-472 CE)
    • He was appointed Emperor of the West by the Eastern Emperor Leo I and accepted by Ricimer. His was the last attempt to save the Western Empire.
    • He rebuilt the Navy to defeat Geiseric and attempted to retake North Africa from the Vandals in 468 CE at the Battle of Cape Bon, but was unsuccessful. He then attempted to retake Gaul but failed.
  • Olybrius (472 CE)
    • He was appointed Emperor by Ricimer, after he had executed Anthemius, but Olybrius died of an illness.
    • Ricimer (472 CE) died 6 weeks after appointing Olybrius.
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