Docks of Ancient Rome

  • The Docks of Ancient Rome were a series of terraces and walls known as the Emporium. Behind the terraces stood a large warehouse to store the Goods known as the Porticus Aemilia.

Emporium (The Docks)

  • In 193 BCE, a new dock area was created south of the old docks at the Forum Boarium. It was then rebuilt in 174 BCE.
  • A series of stone terraces and walls were built that climbed up the bank of the Tiber, with ladders linking each terrace.

Porticus Aemilia (The Warehouse)

  • This was a large oblong warehouse complex parallel to the Emporium, to store all the Goods.

Monte Testaccio

  • To the south of the Docks and warehouse was a huge field where all the Amphorae were broken up.
  • It literally means the mountain of broken pots.


The Emporium

174 BCE
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