A man is known by the company he keeps

  • This everyday expression means that a person will be judged by the type of individuals he associates himself with.
  • The expression comes from one of Aesop's Fables, ‘The Ass and the Purchaser’. Aesop lived between c. 620-560 BCE.

The Fable of the Ass and the Purchaser

  • A man went to the market to buy an Ass. He was allowed by the owner to take the Ass home so that he could test him.
  • As soon as he got home, the man released him into the stable with his other Asses, whereupon the Ass went and stood by the laziest Ass in the stable. immediately, the man took the Ass back to the market and returned him to his owner.
  • Surprised, the owner demanded to know how the man had tested the Ass so quickly. The man replied that he didn’t need to test him, he knew his character when the Ass chose his companion.


Everyday Expressions that come from Aesop
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