
  • ‘Abraxas’ or ‘Abrasax’ was a word found engraved in Greek on Ancient Gemstones and Amulets, believed to have magical properties. It is possibly an early form of the magical word Abracadabra.


  • Basilides was an early Teacher of Gnosticism based in Alexandria who worked between 117-138 CE, during Hadrian‘s Reign.
  • The Basilidians believed in their great Archon (God) ‘Abrasax’, because his name in Greek contained the number 365, the same number of heavens in the Upper World, also the number of days in one year, and the number of Parts in the Human Body.


  • The God ‘Abraxas’ is most often depicted as an Anguipede on Intaglios. He has the Head of a Cock or Lion, the body of a man holding a Shield and Flail, with His legs made of Snakes ending in Scorpions.


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