Adonis and Aphrodite

  •  In Greek Mythology, Adonis was the mortal lover of the Goddess Aphrodite.

The Myth

  • In Greek Mythology Adonis’ mother, Myrrha, was transformed into a Myrrh tree and gave birth to Adonis.
  • The infant was found by Aphrodite, and to save him, he was given to Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.
  • When Adonis grew up he became a handsome mortal, causing Persephone and Aphrodite to quarrel over him.
  • To resolve the issue, Zeus ordered that Adonis spend one third of the year with Persephone and one third of the year with Aphrodite.
  • The last third he was free to choose who to spend it with.
  • Adonis chose Aphrodite, thus spending two thirds of the year with her.


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