Agonalis Obelisk

Agonalis Obelisk, Piazza Navona, Rome
  • The Agonalis Obleisk, also known as the Obelisk of Domitian, is a Roman copy of an Egyptian Obelisk and is made of red granite.
  • The Obelisk is located on the fountain of the four rivers in the Piazza Navona, Rome.

Getting There

  • Location: Piazza Navona, Rome.


  • The Obelisk was commissioned by Domitian in 81 CE as a monument to himself.
  • It was placed next to the Temple of Isis (the Iseum) in the Campus Martius.
  • The Piazza Navona is the former Circus of Agonalis, created by Domitian for chariot races. An oval kerb surrounding the square marks the outline of the former circus.
  • The Obelisk was later moved in 309 CE to the Circus of Maxentius.
  • In the 6th century CE the Obelisk was broken into 4 pieces.
  • Pope Innocent X ordered the Obelisk to be re-erected in the Piazza Navona in 1647 CE.


Photo and Map: Agonalis Obelisk, Piazza Navona

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