
  • Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (49 BCE-25 CE) was a Roman Consul and opponent of Julius Caesar.


  • Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus is first mentioned by Cicero in 70 BCE when he appears as a witness against Verres.
  • He married Cato the Younger‘s sister, Porcia.
  • Ahenobarbus was Consul in 54 BCE, and an opponent of Julius Caesar before and during the Great Roman Civil War, and a supporter of the Aristocratic Party.
  • When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon in 49 BCE, Ahenobarbus was the only member of the Aristocratic Party to organise an opposing force.
  • He confronted Caesar with 20 Cohorts at Corfinium, expecting to be joined by Pompey, but Pompey failed to appear. Consequently, his own soldiers refused to fight Caesar, and were absorbed into Caesar’s army. Caesar then sent Ahenobarbus home unhurt, in a great demonstration of lenience.
  • In 48 BCE, Ahenobarbus died supporting Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus.


  • Lucan refers to him in Book 7 of his ‘Pharsalia’.


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