
  • Aleria is a city on the east coast of the island of Corsica which is located 43 miles (70km) south of Bastia, in the Haute-Corse Department of France.
  • It was a major naval base for the Roman Navy during the Roman Empire.


  • In c.586 BCE, the Greeks from Phocaea founded Alalia and established it as a maritime city.
  • In 540 BCE, the Greeks were defeated by a Carthaginian–Etruscan Alliance, and they lost Alalia to the Etruscans.
  • In 259 BCE, Corsica was occupied by the Romans during the First Punic War (264-241 BCE), although the interior was not pacified until 162 BCE.
  • In c. 100 BCE the Romans rebuilt Alalia and renamed it Aleria, in the Province of Corsica.
  • Because of its location as a perfect natural harbour on an inland Lagoon, the Etang de Diane, Aleria was rebuilt in 80 BCE as a major Roman naval base and city. Under Augustus it became the capital of Corsica.
  • The harbour was built on the southern end of the lagoon where it meets the river Tavignano, controlling where the mouth of the river meets the sea.
  • The Base was an outpost of the Classis Misenensis based at Misenum, near Naples in Italia.
  • Corsica and Sardinia each produced Three Auxiliary Cohorts, a total of six Cohorts for the Roman Army.
  • In 436 CE, Aleria and Corsica fell to the Vandal Empire.

Roman Sites

  • Ruins of the city of Aleria
  • Naval harbour of Aleria (subsequently silted up)


  • Archeological Museum of Aleria
    • Located in the Fort of Matra.
    • The museum holds the Finds from the excavation of Aleria.

Roman Roads



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