
  • Altinum is the Ruins of a Roman city located opposite Venice in Italy.
  • It was rediscovered in 2009, where it was found buried in the marshes in a well preserved condition.


  • Altinum was a Roman Town which became a Municipium shortly before 131 BCE, around the same time as the nearby Via Annia was built between Atria and Aquileia.
  • Altinum was a Port with canals and had a Population between 20-30,000 people.
  • In 452 CE, its population fled the city to avoid the invading army of Attila the Hun and subsequently built Venice in the Lagoon.


  • The National Archeological Museum of Altinum
    • The footings of the main buildings and roads in the town have been excavated.

Roman Roads


Altinum Archeological Museum

131 BCE
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