
  • Aqaba is a port in Jordan located on the Red Sea.
  • It was known to the Romans as Aila or Aelana, and annexed as part of the Roman Province of Arabia Petraea in 106 CE.


Roman Sites

  • Aqaba Church (Foundations only) (c.293-303 CE)
    • This is the first known Christian Church to be constructed.
    • It predates the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (335 CE) by some 30-30 years.
    • However, the church was destroyed by the Galilee Earthquake on 18-19 May 363 CE.


  • Aqaba Archeological Museum
    • It is located next to the Mamluk Castle (16th century CE) in old Aqaba.
    • The Museum holds a Collection of Artefacts from dating from the Bronze Age to the Caliphate (7th – 12th centuries CE).
    • The museum holds a Roman Milestone from the Via Traiana Nova.

Roman Legions

Roman Road


Aqaba, Jordan

106 CE
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