Aqueduct du Gier

  • The Aqueduct du Gier, was a Roman Aqueduct in Gallia Lugdunensis, which brought water 26 miles (42 km) to Lyon.
  • It used four Inverted Siphons and eleven tunnels and was completed in c. 50 CE.

Inverted Siphon

  • Instead of building bridges across the river valleys, the aqueduct used four inverted siphons to cross the valleys of the rivers Dureze, Garon, Yzeron and Trion.
  • The water would enter a water tank in a sunken Castellum or tower before flowing through pipelines that descended to the valley floor.
  • The pipes then crossed over each river on arches and rose up the other side to another water tower that was slightly lower than the first tank.


Aqueduc du Gier

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