Arabia Felix

  • The Romans divided the Arabian Peninsular into three areas, Arabia Felix, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Petrae.

Arabia Felix (Happy Arabia)

  • This was Southern Arabia, the Yemen: It was divided amongst 4 main Kingdoms all of which had advanced hydraulic systems in place.
    1. Sabaean Kingdom (Yemen)
      • with the capital at Marib, then later, at Sana (Sanaa). This was the most powerful Kingdom.
    2. Kingdom of Ma’in
    3. Kingdom of Hadramaut
      • with the capital at Sabwa. They traded Incense and Cinnamon traded through their Port of Cana (Mukalla).
    4. Kingdom of Zufar (Oman)
      • their capital was the lost city of Ubar of which nothing is known.

Arabia Deserta (Desert Arabia)

Arabia Petraea


Arabian Peninsular

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