Archeological Museum of Baiae

  • The Archeological Museum of Campi Flegrei is located inside the Aragonese Castle of Baiae.
  • The Castle Museum holds a reconstruction of a sunken Nymphaeum and many sculptures rescued from under the water. There are also good views over the Bay of Pozzuoli.

Getting There

  • Located at Via Castello 39, Bacoli near Naples.


  • Nymphaeum
    • The Museum holds a reconstruction of the Nymphaeum of Claudius, with the Sculptures found there, including one of Ulysses.
  • Plaster Casts of Baiae
    • There are hundreds of Roman plaster copies of Greek bronze statues.
  • Other Artefacts
    • Artefacts from Baiae, Cuma and Pozzuloli are held in other rooms in the museum.

Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae

  • In 2002 the Underwater Archeological Park of Baiae was created nearby for viewing by glass-bottomed boats, snorkeling and scuba diving.
  • Preserved underwater, in depths varying between 16-40 ft (5-13 m), are Roman mosaics, statues, marble floors, Baths and the remains of Pisoni’s Villa.


Archeological Museum of Baiae

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