

  • The Argentarii were the Bankers of Rome. Although they were free agents and not employees of the State, they did belong to a Guild of Bankers who restricted their numbers.
  • They conducted financial transactions such as Currency Exchange (Permutatio).
  • They were legally required to buy new coinage from the Mint and to circulate it. They could assess the value of new and old coins and tell whether one was a forgery.
  • They used Bills of Exchange where an associated banker in a Province would pay out the sum that had been paid in to him.
  • They took in deposits and made payments on behalf of their clients.
  • They operated a system of payment by cheque known as ‘Presciptio’.
  • All transactions were recorded in books called ‘Codices’ and could be used as evidence in a court of law.
  • They operated at Public Auctions, acting as agents for both the sellers and the buyers and receiving payments and making them.


Arch of the Bankers

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