
  • Arianism was the Christian Doctrine of Arius (250-336 CE), a Christian Presbyter practising in Alexandria, Egypt, but who grew up in Ptolemais, Cyrenaica.
  • The Debate raged between Arianism and Trinitarianism until 381 CE when it was banned. Arianism then continued with the Germanic Tribes until the 8th century CE.

Arius was opposed to Trinitarianism

  • Arius opposed the Trinitarian Theology of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • Arius believed Jesus, God the Son, was created by God the Father, and was therefore a separate Being.

Arius branded a Heretic

Schism within Christianity

  • It was the first Doctrinal split in Christian theology, after Christianity had been legally tolerated by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in 312 CE.
  • Two Emperors were followers of Arianism, Constantius II and Valens.
  • The Debate raged until the end of the 4th century CE when Trinitarianism succeeded.

The Germanic Tribes

  • The Goths, The Lombards and the Vandals were converted to Arianism by the Arian Missionary Ulfilas (310-383 CE).
  • Arianism prevailed until the Vandal Empire was destroyed in the 8th century CE.


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