
  • Aristophanes (c.446-c.386 BCE) was an Ancient Greek playwright who lived in Athens and wrote Comedies.
  • He is known as the Father of Comedy and was a contemporary of Socrates.


  • Aristophanes used three poetic styles: iambic dialogue, tetrameter verses and lyrics.
  • He was known as the ‘Father of Comedy’ in a style known as ‘Old Comedy’.
    • ‘Old Comedy’ used real personalities involved in resolving real-life situations.
    • ‘New Comedy’ appeared around c. 330 BCE, using characters who were stereotypes resolving generalised situations.
  • He notably depicted the Athenian General Cleon as a demagogue during the Peloponnesian War, along with Thucydides.


  • Aristophanes wrote 40 Plays of which 11 have survived complete (L. is the Latin name):
    • The Acharnians (L. Acharnenses) (425 BCE)
    • The Knights (L. Equites) (424 BCE)
    • The Clouds (L. Nubes) (423 BCE)
    • The Wasps (L. Vespae) (422 BCE)
    • Peace (L. Pax) (421 BCE)
    • The Birds (L. Aves) (414 BCE)
    • Lysistrata (L. Lysistrate) (411 BCE)
    • Thesmophoriazusae (L. Thesmophoriazusai) (The Women celebrating the Thesmophoria Festival) (c.411 BCE)
    • The Frogs (L. Ranae) (405 BCE)
    • Ecclesiazusia (L. Ekklesiazousai) (The Assemblywomen c.392 BCE)
    • Wealth (L. Plutus) (388 BCE)

Aristophanes’ Dramatic Structure

  • Prologue:
    • the introduction explaining the issue that will be resolved in the play, addressed to the audience in soliloquy or dialogue using iambic pentameter.
  • Parodos:
    • the Chorus arrives dancing and singing using long lines of tetrameters, often confronting one or several of the actors.
  • Symmetrical scenes:
    • songs and verses in long lines of tetrameters, arranged in two symmetrical sctions.
      • Parabis: verses sung in tetrameter by the chorus in the middle and near the end of the play.
      • Agon: a formal dialogue mostly in anapaestic tetrameter that decides the outcome of the play.
  • Episodes:
    • dialogue between minor characters in iambic trimester, during the last scenes of the play.
  • Songs:
    • in symmetrical pairs during transitions in the plot or between scenes whilst actors were changing costumes.
  • Exodus:
    • the departure of the Chorus and Actors.


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