
  • Flavius Arrianus Xenophon (c.92-175 CE), known as Arrian, was an ancient Greek Military Historian, Army Officer and Governor during reign of Hadrian.



  • The Anabasis of Alexander
  • Discourses of Epictetus
      • Originally 8 Books on the Teachings of the Philosopher Epictetus published c. 108 CE.
  • Indica
      • A description of the Culture, Geography and History of India whilst narrating the sea voyage in the Persian Gulf of Nearchus, Admiral of the Fleet of Alexander the Great.
      • After the Battle of the Hydaspes (Pakistan) in 325 BCENearchus built a Fleet. Arrian describes this journey from the Indus via the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf to Susa.
  • Parthica
      • A history of Trajan’s eastern wars against the Parthian Empire in 17 books, now lost.
  • Techne Taktike
      • (also known as: Ars Tactica): A treatise on Roman cavalry and military tactics, including the ‘Hippika gymnasia’, touraments performed by the Roman cavalry outside their legionary forts. Also included is a description of the Greek Phalanx.
  • Bythyniaca
  • Periplus of the Euxine Sea


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