
Statue of Asclepius, Ampuries, L'Escala
Statue of Asclepius, Ampuries, L’Escala
  • Asclepius was the God of Medicine and Healing in Ancient Greece. He was the son of Apollo sharing with him the title of ‘Paean’ meaning ‘The Healer’.
  • He was associated with the Roman God of Healing, Vejovis, who also had Temples erected to him.

The Daughters of Asclepius

  • Hygeia:
    • Goddess of sanitation and hygiene.
  • Iaso:
    • Goddess of recuperation from illness.
  • Aceso:
    • Goddess of the healing process.
  • Aglaea:
    • Goddess of magnificence and glory.
  • Panacea:
    • Goddess of universal remedy.

The Rod of Asclepius

  • The Rod was a staff entwined by a snake, which is still the symbol of medicine today.

The Asclepieion

  • This was a Healing Temple dedicated to Asclepius. They were the first hospitals of the classical world.
  • The sick and infirm came from far and wide to make offerings to the God in the hopes of receiving a cure.
  • They stayed in an adjacent guesthouse and drank from sacred springs nearby.

The Four Temples of Asclepius

  • Epidaurus
    • In the Peloponnese, this was the most famous and the oldest temple, dating from the 6th century BCE.
      Rebuilt in the 4th century BCE it contained a guesthouse with 160 guestrooms.
      It’s ruins can be seen today.
      It was still known in the 5th century CE, although as a christian healing centre.
  • Kos
  • Trikala
    • Gortys in Arcadia.
  • Pergamum

Temple of Asclepius in Rome

    • The Temple was located on Tiber Island in the middle of the River Tiber.
    • Built in 293 BCE after a great Plague hit Rome, it was completed in 291 BCE, by order of the Roman Senate after consulting the Sibylline Books.
    • A ship was sent to Epidauras to obtain a statue of Asclepius.
    • A snake entwined itself around the mast (like the Rod of Asclepius) and on arrival in Rome, it slithered onto the island and was seen as a sign sent from Asclepius to build his Temple there.
    • Tiber Island was then shaped like a ship as a reminder of this event.
      It was given a prow and a stern, and an Obelisk was placed in the centre to represent the mast.
    • Today, in keeping with the same theme, a hospital built in 1584 CE stands on the site of the Temple.


Tiber island

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