Athenian Navy

  • The Athenian Navy was greatly developed by Themistocles after 483 BCE,  when he built a Fleet of 200 Triremes.
  • The heyday of the Athenian Navy lasted between 483-404 BCE.

Themistocles (524-460 BCE)

  • He was the Founder of the expanded Athenian Navy.
  • In 493 BCE he was elected Archon (Prime Minister) of Athens.
  • Themistocles built the Defensive Naval Harbour of the Pireus and moved the 70 strong fleet from the unprotected beaches of Phaleron.
  • Despite defeating the Persians at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE, Themistocles was unable to find the Funds to expand the Fleet in the face of political opposition.
  • However, in 483 BCE the State Silver Mines near Sunium discovered a new seam of silver. Themistocles was then able to use the income to develop a Fleet of Triremes.
  • When in 480 BCE, the Persians under Xerxes I invaded Greece, Athens had 200 Triremes. Themistocles allied himself with the Spartan Fleet of 150 Triremes.

Battle of Salamis

  • In 480 BCE, the combined Fleet of Athens and Sparta defeated the Persian Fleet at the Battle of Salamis.

Delian League

  • After its first great victory over the Persian Fleet at the Battle of Salamis, Athens became influential and led the Delian League of 170 Greek cities against Persia.
  • Its influence and Navy declined however after the Peloponnesian War with Sparta (431-404 BCE), where it lost its navy, and never recovered its former glory.


Salamis Island

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