
  • The Auroch was a species of wild cattle which is now extinct, the last known animal having died in 1627 CE.
  • During the Roman Empire, Aurochs were the main Beast used in the slaying of animals in the Roman Amphitheatre, such as the Colosseum.


  • Auroch, the plural is Aurochsen which is similar to Ox and Oxen.
  • They are also known as the ‘Urus’ and the ‘Wisent’ and are classified as ‘Bos Primigenius’.
  • The European Bison, the Wisent, is a separate and distinct species.


  • Aurochs were distributed throughout Europe, Scandinavia, North Africa, Mesopotamia, India, China and Japan.
  • Auroch Fossils have been found in Buto and the Fayum in Egypt.


Fayum, Egypt


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