
  • Avila is a city in northern Spain which was the Roman town of ‘Abila’ or ‘Abela’ in Hispania Tarraconensis.
  • It is famed for the ‘Walls of Avila’, a continuous medieval wall with 80 towers and 9 gates all illuminated at night. Raymond of Burgundy constructed the Walls in 1088 CE to defend Avila as a Frontier City against the Moors.

The Roman Sites

  • The Roman Bridge of Avila
    • this was built in the first century CE, the piers and starlings are Roman.
  • Avila town plan
    • this still follows the Cardo and Decumanus of the Roman city.
  • Roman ashlar altar stones
    • these are embedded in the walls at the Alcazar Gate and Rastro Gate.



Avila Roman Bridge

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