
  • Bath is a town on the river Avon, located 11 miles (18km) southeast of Bristol in the County of Somerset.
  • It was known to the Romans as ‘Aquae Sulis’, which meant ‘the waters of Sulis’, a Celtic Goddess identified with Minerva. It is the site of a Roman Spa and Roman Baths which are still standing.


  • The Roman Temple was constructed between c.60-70 CE, and the Roman Baths were begun around the same time. They were added to over the centuries.
  • The Roman Bath House included the usual caldarium, tepidarium and frigidarium
  • It was also the site of a Roman Temple and a sacred spring.

Roman Baths Museum in Bath

  • The Roman Baths today consist of the Sacred Spring, the Roman Temple, the Roman Bath House and the Museum.
  • The Museum also holds the Beau Street Hoard of 17,400 Roman Coins, the Bath Curse Tablets and a Bronze bust of the Goddess Minerva.

Beau Street Hoard

  • The Beau Street Hoard is the fifth largest Roman Coin Hoard found in Britain.
  • It was excavated in Bath, found hidden under the floorboards of a Roman House, only 500 feet (150m) away from the Roman Baths.
  • It consists of 17,577 Roman silver coins which were found by archeologists in 2007, and which date from between 32 BCE up to 274 CE.
  • The Hoard is now housed in the Roman Baths Museum in Bath

Roman Roads


Bath Spa Rail Station

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