Battle of Cape Hermaeum

  • The Battle of Cape Hermaeum (255 BCE) was a Naval battle between Rome and Carthage during the First Punic War (264-241 BCE).

The Roman Army invades Africa (256 BCE)

  • After defeating the Carthaginian Navy at the Battle of Cape Ecnomus, the Roman Fleet landed its army in Africa, led by Regulus, which forced Carthage to withdraw Hamilcar and his army of 5,500 men from Sicily.
  • After several successes, the Carthaginians agreed to a Peace, but Regulus’ terms were so harsh, they went back to war, forcing the Roman Fleet to evacuate Regulus and his army.

Battle of Cape Hermaeum (255 BCE)

  • When the Roman Fleet arrived it was met off Cape Hermaeum (Cape Bon) by the Carthaginian Fleet in 255 BCE at the Battle of Cape Hermaeum.
  • The Roman Fleet consisted of 350 Quinqueremes equipped with the Corvus accompanied by 300 transports.
  • They were met by 200 Carthaginian Quinqueremes. Outnumbered, the Carthaginian Fleet tried to fight with their back to the beaches, but were overwhelmed and the Romans won the battle.
  • The Carthaginians lost 114 vessels.

The Outcome

  • The victorious Roman Fleet then sailed back to Rome, but all 384 vessels and 100,000 men, were lost in a storm.


Cape Hermaeum or Cape Bon (Ras ed-Dar), Tunisia

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