Battle of the Aegates Islands

  • The Battle of Aegates Islands (242 BCE) was the final Naval Battle during the First Punic War (264-241 BCE)

The Buildup

  • By 243 BCE the war had ruined both Rome and Carthage in terms of manpower as well as economically.
  • Unable to finance replacement vessels, the Senate asked wealthy aristocrats to fund one warship each. A new fleet was built and all Carthaginian ports on Sicily were blockaded.
  • The Carthaginians had also built a new fleet designed to relieve the Blockade by bringing supplies to the Carthaginian Armies.

The Battle

  • The Roman Fleet of c. 200 Quinqueremes met the Carthaginian Fleet of c.250 Quinqueremes off the Aegates Islands in 242 BCE.
  • For the second time, the Romans dispensed with the Corvus, instead relying on their mobility and experience.
  • When the Roman commander spotted the Carthaginian Fleet, he embarked as many soldiers as he could, stripped away all his masts and sails for lightness and manoeuvrability, and intercepted the Carthaginian Fleet by rowing in line astern towards them.
  • The ill-prepared Carthaginian Fleet was still under sail and its sailors were poorly trained with few marines.
  • 50 Carthaginian galleys were sunk and 70 captured.

The Outcome


Aegadian Islands, Sicily

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