
  • Beirut is a port city situated on a peninsular and is the capital of Lebanon. It has been continously occupied since c. 1,500 BCE.
  • It was named Berytus by the Romans and was located in the Province of Syria.


  • Pompey conquered the Phoenician town of Biruta in 64 BCE, and settled it with legionary veterans.
  • Berytus was made a Colonia in 14 BCE and unusually, was exempt from Imperial Taxation.
  • Its possessions included Heliopolis (Baalbeck) and the rich agricultural lands of the Bekaa Valley.
  • It became an important Colonia and was the most Romanised city in the Eastern Empire.
  • Berytus had an Amphitheatre, Theatre, Porticos and Baths. However, only the site of one of the Baths is visible today.

Roman Sites

  • Roman Baths.
    • A small part of one of the Baths has been excavated and can be visited.
    • Originally there were four Roman Baths, with construction beginning under Augustus (27 BCE-14 CE).


  • National Museum of Beirut
    • Located on Damascus Street at VGH8+928, Beirut
    • The Museum houses Collections from all Ages including the Roman Period which includes notable Sarcophagii, Statues and Mosaics.
  • Archaeological Museum of the American University of Beirut
    • Founded in 1868 CE, it is located in the American University of Beirut at VFXM+QH6.
    • The Museum holds Collections from all the Ages inclufing the Roman Period.


Beirut Roman Baths

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