
  • Belgrade is the capital of Serbia and a port city located on the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers.
  • It was Roman Singidunum, a Fortress on the confluence of the Danube and the Sava, conquered in 33 CE and located in the Province of Moesia Superior.


  • Singidunum was the legionary base for the Legio IIII Flavia Felix between 86-c.300’s CE.
  • It was also the Fleet Base for the Roman Navy on the Upper Danube, the Classis Pannonica.
  • The Belgrade Fortress is built over the site of the Roman Fort.


  • National Museum of Serbia
    • Located at Trg Republike 1a, Belgrade.
    • The museum holds Finds from all periods of history, including sculptures, weapons, helmets and artefacts from the Roman period.

Roman Roads



Singidunum, Belgrade

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