
  • Brest is a port city located on the mouth of the river Penfeld which gives on to an inland Bay leading into the Atlantic. It is in the Brittany Region of France and is the Atlantic Home Port for the French Navy.
  • Brest was in Gallia Lugdunensis, but apart from the castle, and evidence of Roman roads in the area, little other history from the Roman period has survived. It may have been called Gesocribate.

Brest Castle

  • The medieval Brest Castle is built on the Foundations of a 3rd century CE Roman Fortress, which can still seen at the base of the walls.

Naval Museum

  • Brest Castle National Naval Museum
    • Describes the history of the French Navy.

Roman Roads

  • NantesVannes-Gesocribate (possibly Brest).
  • Rennes-Carhaix-Plouguer-Brest (possibly)-Pointe St. Mathieu (on the coast).


Brest Castle, Brest

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