
  • The Brigantes was a British Tribes whose territory occupied the whole of Northern England with their capital at Aldborough, which became the Roman town of Isurium Brigantium.
  • Their kingdom was called Brigantia and covered modern Yorkshire, Lancashire, Northumberland and Durham.

Roman Client Kingdom (43-69 CE)

  • They were one of the Roman Client Kingdoms in Britannia between 43-69 CE.
  • Cartimandua, Queen of the Brigantes (c.43-69 CE), was, according to Tacitus, the only Queen in Britain during this period. He does not describe Boudicca as a Queen but as a Leader.
  • Cartimandua was co-ruler with her husband King Venutius.
  • In 51 CE, King Caractacus, who had been fighting the Romans, was eventually defeated, and took refuge with Cartimandua. She handed him over to the Romans, in a gesture of solidarity.
  • In 60 CE, the Brigantes did not take part in Boudicca's Revolt.

Rebellion (69-80 CE)

  • In 69 CE, the Romans were obliged to rescue Cartimandua from King Venutius of the Brigantes, after she left him for her armour-bearer Vellocatus.
  • In 69 CE, King Venutius, during the civil wars of the Year of the Four Emperors, rebelled and successfully resisted Roman Rule until 73 CE when he was finally defeated.
  • The Brigantes were not completely conquered until 80 CE by Agricola, Governor of Britannia between 78-84 CE.
  • York was founded in 71 CE, and Agricola used the Roman Fortress to dominate the Brigantes so that he could then continue north and conduct an invasion of Scotland.



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