
  • Budapest is a Port city located on the river Danube and is the capital of Hungary.
  • It was Roman Aquincum, the second capital of Pannonia Inferior which held a Roman Legionary Fortress occupied by the Legio II Adiutrix (70-269 CE).


  • Meditations was written in 167 CE by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius (161-180 CE). It consists of 12 Books which are guides to self awareness and self improvement, as part of the philosophy of Stoicism.
  • It is thought to have been partly written whilst Marcus Aurelius was staying at the Emperor’s Palace in Sirmium, and also whilst based in Aquincum,

Roman Sites

  • Aquincum Civil Amphitheatre
  • Aquincum Military Amphitheatre
  • Aquincum Mithraeum
  • Aqueduct with three levels (Ruins)



Aquincum Museum, Budapest

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