Burgh Castle

  • Burgh Castle is a village on the bank of the River Waveney, near Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk.
  • It is the location of one of the Saxon Shore Forts whose name was possibly Garrianum.

The Roman Fort

  • Three of the Fort walls are intact with their Towers. The fourth wall facing the water does not exist.
  • It is on the opposite river bank to nearby Caistor-on-Sea, which also guarded the entrance to the Norfolk Broads.
  • The Site is managed by English Heritage, and there are wooden walkways to view the Site.

Saxon Shore Forts

  • The Saxon Shore Forts were a chain of Roman Naval Forts in southeastern England that stretched from Portchester to the Wash, and whose function was to defend the River estuaries and coastline from Pirate attacks by seaborne invaders.
  • The Forts date to the third century CE and are mentioned in a 4th century CE document known as the Notitia Dignitatum.

Roman Roads

Nearby Sites


Burgh Castle

290 CE
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