Callanish Standing Stones

  • The Callanish Standing Stones are a stone circle located in Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.
  • The Stones are made from local rock called Lewisian Gneiss which is over 3,000,000,000 years old.


  • Between 2,900-2,600 BCE, thirteen stones were arranged in a circle with a Monolith near the centre and five rows of stones radiating outwards from this circle in the form of a cross. Two rows form an Avenue. None of the rows point directly to the centre of the circle. A chambered Tomb was later added to the centre.
  • Sometime around 800 BCE the area was abandoned and the stones covered in turf.
  • Just over 0.5 mile (1km) from the main Site lie two more stone circles, Callanish I and Callanish II, which originally each consisted of at least 8 Standing Stones. The remains of a fourth stone circle and a number of other Standing Stones lie nearby.

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2900 BCE
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