
  • Cartagena is a port city located in the Autonomous Community of Murcia in southeastern Spain. It has the best natural harbour in the western Mediterranean and is the home base of the main Spanish Naval Fleet.
  • It was conquered by the Romans in 209 BCE and renamed Carthago Nova (New Carthage), and located in the Province of Hispania Tarraconensis.


  • It was named New Carthage by the Carthaginian General Hasdrubal when he arrived in c. 227 BCE to set up the main Carthaginian Naval Base for the conquest of Spain.
  • Since then it has remained the most important harbour in the western Mediterranean.

Roman Sites

  • Roman Theatre
  • Casa de la Fortuna
    • A Roman villa with Mosaics and Murals.
  • Roman Colonnade
  • The Augusteum
  • Torre Ciega Necropolis


Roman Roads



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