Caspian Sea

  • The Caspian Sea is the world’s largest inland Sea and is fed by the River Volga and the River Ural.
  • It was known to the Greeks and Romans as the Hyrcanian Sea, and the area around modern Baku was known as Caucasian Albania, which was on the Silk Road to China.

Roman influence in Caucasian Albania

  • The Romans attempted to control the Trade Route through the Caspian Sea by making Caucasian Albania a Roman Client Kingdom. But the Parthian Empire had similar plans so that Roman influence waxed and waned over the centuries.
  • In 65 BCE Pompey arrived with an army in Caucasian Albania.
  • In 36 BCE Mark Anthony sent an Army to bring Albania back to Rome from Persian influence.
  • Between 30 BCE and 14 CE Augustus is reported to have received Ambassadors from Albania.
  • In 35 CE, King Pharasmanes was supported by Rome against Parthia.
  • In 67 CE Nero planned to conquer the northern Black Sea kingdoms but died before his plans could be put into effect.
  • 69-79 CE Vespasian again extended Roman influence as far as the Caspian Sea.
  • 114 CE Trajan invaded the region as part of his invasion of Parthia.


The Caspian Sea

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