Castel San Angelo

Castel San Angelo or Hadrian's Mausoleum, Rome
  • The Castel San Angelo, also known as the Mausoleum of Hadrian or Hadrianum, was built by Hadrian between 130-139 CE.
  • It is a circular building located at Lungotevere Castello, 50, Rome. Originally it had a roof garden and a golden Quadriga on top.

Ponte Sant' Angelo

  • The Ponte Sant’ Angelo (134 CE) is an ancient Roman Bridge across the Tiber which leads to the Castel San Angelo.
  • It is also known as the Aelian Bridge, ‘Pons Aelius’, or Bridge of Hadrian. The three central arches are original. It is only used by pedestrians today.


  • In 134 CE, Hadrian built the Aelian Bridge or Pons Aelius acros the Tiber to reach it.
  • In 401 CE, it was turned into a fortress by Honorius as part of the defences of Rome.
  • In 410 CE, during the Sack of Rome by Alaric and the Visigoths, the Mausoleum was desecrated and the ashes scattered.

The Ashes of other Emperors


Photo and map: Castel San Angelo, Rome

139 CE
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