Cato the Younger

  • Marcus Porcius Cato (95-46 BCE), also known as Cato the Younger, was a Roman Soldier and Senator.
  • He was the great grandson of Cato the Elder.


  • Between 72-65 BCE, Cato served as an officer in the Roman Army, becoming a Military Tribune in 67 BCE and being given command of a Legion in Macedon.
  • He returned to Rome in 65 BCE where he was elected Quaestor and joined the Optimates.
  • In 63 BCE, Cato was elected Tribune of the Plebs.
  • He then worked with Cicero to prevent the Catiline Conspiracy.

Opposition to the First Triumvirate

  • Cato led the opposition of the Optimates, against the First Triumvirate, consisting of the Roman Generals Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus.
  • Cato used the tactic of obstructionism in the Senate to oppose every attempt by the Triumvirs to pass Laws, be voted as Governors of Provinces, raise Taxes in those Provinces or hold Triumphs in Rome.
  • Eventually the Triumvirate exiled Cato by voting him to become the Governor of Cyprus.
  • Cato returned to Rome and was elected Praetor in 54 BCE.
  • The First Triumvirate dissolved when Crassus was defeated and killed by the Parthians at the Battle of Carrhae in 53 BCE.
  • Cato and the Optimates then worked to separate Caesar and Pompey.

Great Roman Civil War

  • After Crassus died, Pompey aligned himself with Cato and the Roman Senate against Julius Caesar.
  • In 50 BCE, Cato, Pompey and the Roman Senate ordered Julius Caesar to disband his army as his term as Proconsul had finished, or be declared an Enemy of the People. Although he had completed the necessary ten years gap for being re-elected as Consul again, he was prohibited from standing for re-election ‘in absentia’.
  • Julius Caesar had to return to Rome to be re-elected, but he knew that if he entered Rome without an Army or without the legal immunity enjoyed as Consul, he would be prosecuted by Cato and Pompey and his political career ended.
  • Cato and Pompey had laid charges against him of Insubordination and Treason, and various other Charges were pending against him.

Crossing the Rubicon

Death of Cato



63 BCE
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