Chinese Inventions

  • China is noted for having made four great inventions: Paper (105 CE), the Compass (1st century CE), Printing (7th century CE), first with a woodblock then with moveable type, and Gunpowder (7th century CE).
  • China also produced many other Inventions such as Acupuncture, the stern mounted Rudder and Sky Lanterns, to name but a few.

Invented in China

  1. Paper (105 CE)
  2. The Compass (1st century CE)
  3. Printing (7th century CE)
    • First with a woodblock, then with moveable type
  4. Gunpowder (7th century CE).
  5. Acupuncture (first documented in 100 BCE)
  6. The Cannon (12th-13th century CE)
  7. The Crossbow (c. 400 BCE)
  8. Firecrackers
  9. The Kite
    • Invented during the Early Warring States Period (475-221 BCE) by Mozi and Lu Ban.
  10. The Chinese Junk (Han Dynasty 206 BCE-220 CE)
  11. Paper Lanterns
  12. Rockets
  13. The Stern mounted Rudder
  14. The Seismometer
  15. Silk
  16. Sky Lanterns
  17. The Stirrup
  18. The drink Tea
  19. The Wheelbarrow
  20. The Wok


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