Chinese Dynasties

  • The Chinese Dynasties span almost 4,000 years, starting with the Xia in c.2,070 BCE and ending with the Qing in 1911.

List of Chinese Dynasties

  • Xia (c.2070-1600 BCE)
  • Shang (c.1600-1046 BCE)
  • Zou (c.1050 – 256 BCE)
    • Western Zou (c.1050-771 BCE)
    • Eastern Zou (c.771-256 BCE)
    • Spring and Autumn Period (771-c.476 BCE)
    • Warring States Period (c.476-221 BCE)
  • Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE)
    • First Emperor after the Unification of China in 221 BCE.
  • Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE)
  • Three Kingdoms (220-280 CE)
  • Jin (265-420 CE)
  • Southern Dynasties (420-589 CE)
  • Sui (581-618 CE)
  • Tang (618-906 CE)
  • Liao (907-1125 CE)
  • Northern Song Dynasties (960-1127 CE)
  • Later Jin (1115-1234 CE)
  • Southern Song (1127-1279 CE)
  • 5 dynasties and 10 kingdoms (907-960 CE)
  • Song (960-1279 CE)
  • Yuan (1279-1368 CE)
  • Ming (1368-1644 CE)
  • Qing (1644-1911 CE)
  • Republic of China (1911-onwards)



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