Chinese New Year

  • The Official Name of the Chinese New Year in China is the ‘Spring Festival’. Outside of China it is known as the ‘Chinese New Year’.
  • The Chinese New Year is also the Official New Year Festival in the neighbouring countries of Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.


  • The Chinese New Year is determined by the Chinese Lunisolar Calendar developed in 771 BCE.
  • The Chinese Lunisolar Calendar is only used to determine Holidays, otherwise China uses the Gregorian Calendar.

Difference with the Gregorian Calendar New Year

  • The Chinese Calendar
    • the New Year usually falls on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice, which is usually the 4th or 5th of February.
  •  Gregorian Calendar
    • the New Lunar Year begins with the New Moon occurring between the dates of 21 January and the 20 February.



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