Cippi of Melqart

  • The Cippi of Melqart (2nd century BCE) are two pedestals made of white marble that hold a dedication in Phoenician and Greek, which enabled Archeologists to decipher the Phoenician language.
  • The two named Patrons of the Temple were the Lord Melqart and the Lord of Tyre.

Location of the Find

  • They were found at Tas-Silg, Marsaxlokk, Malta during the 17th century CE, by the Knights Hospitaller.
  • Their Grand Master presented the Cippi of Melqart to Louis XVI of France in 1782.

Decoding the Phoenician Language

  • The Cippi hold 17 of the 22 letters of the Phoenician Alphabet.
  • In 1758 CE, the French Scholar Jean-Jacques Barthelemy was able to decode the Phoenician language using the inscriptions on the Cippi.


Other Artefacts with Phoenician Inscriptions


National Museum of Archeology, Malta

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