Classe Archeological Park

  • The Classe Archeological Park is located on the old harbour of Classe, located 2.5 miles (4km) from Ravenna.
  • It holds the Ruins of the Roman Naval Base of the Classis Ravennas which controlled the Adriatic.

Classis Ravennas

  • The Latin for Fleet was Classis. The Classis Ravennas was the Fleet of the Roman Navy based at Classe, Ravenna, which employed 10,000 men and a large fleet of war galleys.
  • The Harbour could accommodate 250 ships, according to Jordanes, writing in the 6th century CE, who was quoting Dio Cassius from the 3rd century CE.


  • Classe (meaning ‘Fleet’), is the name of the Harbour which was the home to the Eastern Mediterranean Fleet.

Fossa Augusta

  • The Fossa Augusta was a Roman Canal, which connected the Harbour at Classe to the River Po Delta, its surrounding lagoons and the Adriatic.

Military Expeditions known to have set off from Classe


Classe, Ravenna

12 BCE
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