Classis Ravennas

  • The Classis Ravennas was the second Home Fleet of the Roman Navy based at Classe, Ravenna and established sometime between 35-12 BCE.
  • The other Home Fleet was the Classis Misenensis near Naples. The Ravenna Fleet appears to have survived up until at least 383 CE.

The Naval Base at Classe

  • The Fleet home Port was Classe near Ravenna.
  • The naval harbour at Classe was connected to the River Po by a Canal, the Fossa Augusta.
  • Classe had 250 naval ships with 10,000 sailors and soldiers based in the Harbour during the third century, according to Dio Cassius (155-235 CE) and Jordanes (6th century CE historian).

The Prefect or Base Commander

  • The Admiral of the Fleet was an Equestrian who was paid 200,000 sesterces per annum, as was his counterpart at the Classis Misenensis. They were called Procuratores Ducenarii and received the highest Naval Pay.

Military Expeditions that are known to have set off from Classe

  1. Trajan‘s Dacian Wars.
  2. Trajan‘s Trajan's Parthian War.
  3. Lucius Verus Parthian War.
  • After 324 CE, Classe appears to have continued as a base (unlike the Classis Misenensis) but after 383 CE it disappears from the record, although it may have continued until c. 450 CE.


Archeological Park of Classe

27 BCE
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