Coldrum Stones

  • The Coldrum Stones, also known as the Coldrum Long Barrow, are the Ruins of a chambered long barrow from the the 4th millennium BCE.
  • The Stones are located next to the village of Trottiscliffe, near West Malling in Kent. They are one of several Bronze Age Monuments grouped along the river Medway, known as the Medway Megaliths.

The Medway Megaliths

  • East of the Medway:
    • Kit's Coty House
      • A chambered long barrow dating from c. 4,000 BCE.
    • Little Kit’s Coty House
    • Coffin Stone
  • West of the Medway:
    • Coldrum Stones
    • Chestnuts Long Barrow
    • Addington Long Barrow


Coldrum Stones

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