
  • Cologne is located on the river Rhine in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and is the fourth largest city in Germany. It is noted for its distinctive Gothic Cathedral and Railway Bridge crossing the Rhine.
  • The Roman city was founded in 50 CE and was called Colonia Agrippina in the Province of Germania Inferior. It formed part of the Rhine Frontier system known as the Limes Germanicus


  • Cologne was rebuilt over the earlier Oppidum of the Ubii founded in 38 BCE.
  • In 85 CE it became the Capital of Germania Inferior with a bridge across the Rhine, a Fortress for a Roman Legion and a Fortress for the Roman Navy.
  • Roman Legions
  • Roman Navy
    • Cologne was the HQ for the Classis Germanica, the Roman Navy in Germany, between 69-410 CE.

Eau de Cologne

  • Eau de Cologne is a Perfume from Cologne which dates back to the Roman Period.
  • A perfume salesman named Sextus Haparonius Justinus recorded on his Gravestone that he was a ‘Negotiator Seplasiarius’ and that he sold slaves and Perfume.
  • Many Roman Perfume phials have been found in the vicinity, but the ingredients are unknown.

Roman Sites

  • Roman Praetorium
    • The foundations of the Governor’s residence lie under the city hall.
  • Roman Tower
  • Roman Mausoleum


  • Cologne Roemisch Germanisches Museum
    • Located near to Cologne Cathedral which is at Domkloster, 4, 50667, Cologne.
    • The Cologne Roman German Museum is one of two top museums in Germany covering the Roman Period, the other being the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier.
      • Dionysus Mosaic
        • The museum is built around the site of a 3rd century CE Roman villa in order to display the Dionysus Mosaic found in the villa.
      • Roman Army Artefacts
        • On display are artefacts found in the Legionary Fortress and the Roman city including portraits, inscriptions and pottery.
      • Roman Glass
        • There is also a large collection of locally manufactured Roman Glass.
      • Roman Vehicles
        • The museum holds a rare collection of reconstructed Roman Vehicles.

Roman Roads


Roman Tower, Cologne

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