Crossing of the Red Sea

  • The Crossing of the Red Sea is an Event in The Bible which occurred when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. The location is unknown.
  • The story is told in Chapter 14 of Exodus in the The Bible.

The Story

  • After the Ten Plagues of Egypt, the Pharaoh finally commanded Moses to take the Israelites out of Egypt, which became known as the Exodus.
  • Moses led the Exodus guided by a Pillar of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night, until they reached the Red Sea. At this point the Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued Moses with a chariot army.
  • Moses was instructed by God to hold out his rod over the Red Sea which made an easterly wind blow all night creating a dry crossing passage between two walls of water. During the night, the Israelites passed through the walls of water and safely reached the other side.
  • At dawn, the Pharaoh and his chariot army appeared and attempted to pass through the same passage. At this point the wind abated, the walls of water collapsed and the Pharaoh and his chariot army were engulfed by water and destroyed.
  • Freed from their captivity, Moses and the Israelites continued on their way to the Promised Land.

The Location

  • The location remains unknown but is generally considered to be the Gulf of Suez.
  • Gulf of Suez
    • The Gulf averages 130 feet (40m) depth, maximum 230 feet (70m) depth.
    • Northwesterly winds regularly depress the water level along the beaches.
    • It has been suggested that an exceptional wind could leave a reef exposed and create a crossing.


Gulf of Suez, The Red Sea

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