- The Crypta Neapolitana is a Roman Tunnel 0.5 mile (700 m) long connecting Naples with Pozzuoli on the Via Domitiana.
- It was built in 37 BCE by Agrippa, during the Civil war between Octavian and Sextus Pompey.
Virgil's Tomb
- Virgil was a Roman Poet (70-19 BCE) who lived during the reign of Augustus.
- A Monument erected in his memory is located in Piedigrotta, Naples at the entrance of the Crypta Neapolitana.
- Virgil died in Brindisi but asked for his ashes to be buried in his villa near Naples. Although the ashes have been lost, the monument to his memory remains, known as ‘Virgil’s Tomb’.
Via Domitiana
Aqua Augusta
- This Aqueduct ran in tunnels for a great part of its journey from its source through seven cities to Misenum.
- It ran in a tunnel in parallel to the Crypta Neapolitana road tunnel.
The Tunnel at Cumae (closed)
- Another road tunnel was built for the Via Domitiana at nearby Cumae, which is 958 ft (292 m) long and oriented east to west.
- It is not open to the Public.
Other Roman Tunnels
Virgil’s Tomb