Cult of Isis

  • After the Greeks occupied Egypt in 332 BCE, the worship of Isis was exported around the Hellenistic World.
  • Initiates were introduced into the mysteries of Isis in a similar way that initiates were introduced to the Eleusinian Mysteries. As the cult was non exclusive to other religions, the Cult of Isis became very popular under the Roman Empire.


Osiris Myth

  • The Osiris Myth deals with the murder of Isis’ husband, Osiris by his brother Set, and the subsequent search by Isis and Nephthys to find his body. When she finally locates his body Isis restores it using a spell and their reunion produces a son, Horus. Osiris dies again and becomes the God of the Underworld.
  • Meanwhile Horus grows up and decides to pursue his revenge with Set. In the ensuing fight, Set tears out the eye of Horus.
  • To settle the quarrel Geb, the God of the Earth, divided Egypt giving Upper Egypt to Set and Lower Egypt to Horus.

Navigium Isidis

  • Meaning the ‘vessel of Isis’, was an Ancient Roman Festival which celebrated Isis’ protection of sailors and influence over the sea. It was held on March 5th.
  • A procession, led by the priests of Isis and their followers wearing colourful costumes, carried a model ship from the Temple of Isis to the sea or nearby river.
  • The festival was banned shortly after Christianity became the State Religion in 380 CE. However, the festival of Corpus Christi continues some of the same traditions.
  • The modern Carnival with its procession, derives from the Navigium Isidis. ‘Car-nival’ comes from the latin ‘carrus navalis’ meaning naval vessel, which today we call a ‘float’.


Temple of Isis at Philae, Aswan

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